Like everyone else, the COVID-19 pandemic has turned my summer plans upside down. As a graduate student in Information Technology (IT), I wanted an internship with hands-on experience. Unfortunately, most...
June 7, 2020
June 7, 2020
Thoughts on Setting Up a Plex Media Server
If you had asked me in January, what I would be doing this summer setting up a server would not have been an answer. But that is precisely what I...
June 30, 2018
To Masters or Not To Masters?
“Should I or shouldn’t I go back to school?” If you are a career changer with a degree that is the game changing question. Asking for advice doesn’t help. Everyone...
August 9, 2017
5 Way To Celebrate National Book Lover’s Day!
#NationalBookLoversDay #TheDistrictNerd Going through National Day Calendar I came across something that made my heart skip a beat – National Book Lover’s Day! My whole life has been filled with...
April 4, 2017
Wanna Know A Secret?
Dear readers, It’s been a long time. You might have thought I dropped The District Nerd (TDN) or moved on. Nope! Not the case. In fact, it is kind of...
May 31, 2016
Seven tips for Awesome Con
Less than a week from now, the most amazing thing is going to happen – Awesome Con. Awesome Con(con) is Washington DC’s comic convention. Unlike the Baltimore Comic-Con, which is...