When I started The District Nerd(TDN) over a year ago, the mission was to create a place where the voice of building apps and homebrewing was a black woman. Those...
December 29, 2017
Year One in Review

When I started The District Nerd(TDN) over a year ago, the mission was to create a place where the voice of building apps and homebrewing was a black woman. Those...
Here are 39 under $25 gift ideas for the developer, wine and beer lover in your life. For the wine lover For the beer lover For the developer...
I’m a wine drinker with a bad memory. I can’t count the amount of times that I’ve walked down the wine aisle and couldn’t remember the wine I bought last...
A brief history of Chardonnay, Sauvignon Blanc, and Reisling Let’s talk about white wine. While it may seem simple from the outside, I find it to be one of the...
A brief history of Cabernet Sauvignon, Pinor Noir, Syrah, and Merlot If you’ve read my About page, then you know this blog is about delving into the wine and beer...